Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 101

Well, boys and girls, I just completed another easy peasy 2-day cleanse but am having such an issue with the crap food today. I don't think it is so much cravings as habit. I don't even know why I bought it (I assume grocery shopping on a cleanse day MAY have had something to do with it). I've made amazing progress without really changing my eating habits so I guess it's time to take that big step (again). I lost a lot of weight with changing our grocery list and then reverted to quick and easy when time didn't permit (and we got lazy) through school and all that accompanies it - guess what else accompanied? Most of my lost weight! I can only imagine where things would go if I coupled that with the good eating. Not to mention, I'm not LOSING this time, I'm RELEASING! FOREVER!

Time to de-lazy! In 2 weeks we move cities and jobs and hopefully other things change with it, such as the eating and hopefully we get back exercising. We haven't had the time or energy to get to the gym and I'm making even more excuses with the running but at least I've been to the rockwall several times a week (when they don't change their hours overnight!). These next 2 weeks are going to be a mess - packing, adapting to early mornings and trying to accomplish something in the afternoons, and making sure to climb as much as possible! Hopefully I can still make it down to climb here several times a month and visit my baby brothers!

Sorry, not much to say this time around but figured I should put some thoughts out there! If you currently use Isagenix, some tips and tricks would be super appreciated! If you are not and would like to give it a try, please let me know! You can email me or visit my website. This type of journey is incredibly supportive! There are people all over the world that are a part of this family we all want all of you (and us) to succeed! :)

I know that this is not necessarily a positive post but it's always important to remember that bad days happen too! Things are about to change! :)

Total inches released: 54.5
Total pounds released: 18

As always, if you have any questions feel free to message me or check out my website. Also, feel free to keep up today on my progress with my Google spreadsheet here! :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Today is about CONVENIENCE!

The convenience thing has been coming up a lot lately so why not write a post about it?!

I got a text from my mom this morning with a picture of my brothers enjoying their breakfast.

They are currently on a cross-Canada tour and Isagenix's shakes were a much better meal option than restaurant food for 4 months! They stocked up on IsaLean, IsaLean Pro, and IsaLean Bars for their trek across the country. We got them a shipment sent to one of their hotels to restock part way through - easy peasy! Their biggest struggle was that they didn't have any shakers with them so the first few weeks were restricted to bars. I think that changed when they ordered a couple! :)

When I first started, I kept going primarily because of the convenience. The amazing shrinking was definitely the bonus! Even now, when I'm out in the field, it is so much easier to mix up a shake than make up a sandwich (yuck, anyway!) or deal with some sort of leftover lunch (extra yucky!). The individual packages would help that much more but I don't like spending more for the same product so I use Tupperware containers and pack up 2 scoops in my lunch kit with snacks. If you are somewhere that you can get cold, filtered water from, it makes it even easier but being out in the 30C sunshine, I can still make it work! I pack my shaker full of ice on my way out the door and it's perfect by shake time!

Very few meal ideas are easier or HEALTHIER! This is especially true of lunch foods. The options for us are normally soup, sandwiches, leftovers (generally not veggies!), Kraft Dinner, you know - those GREAT choices!

Bottom line, using Isagenix for its convenience just makes sense! The nutritional cleansing, detoxifying, and weight loss may be side effects from whatever your primary focus is! Remember, one person's side effect is another's intended outcome!!!

Total inches released: 53.75

As always, if you have any questions feel free to message me or check out my website. Also, feel free to keep up today on my progress with my Google spreadsheet here! :)