Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 87, Post Cleanse - Actually day 89 :)

Sorry I never got around to posting this on Sunday. We wound up traveling and without internet for a bit but here is what I had typed up! :)

I just finished yet another 2-day cleanse and unfortunately this one is the most disappointing to date. :(
I figure that as you progress through the system, the slower the changes occur. The reason for this is simply that if you have less to lose, your body isn't going to let go of it quite as quickly (by my logic, anyway).
If nothing else, I have to come up with explanations to prevent me from getting disappointed and discouraged as I'm sure we are all aware of what that does to our progress! EAT ALL THE YUMMY!!!

I've also been what some would call "cheaty" when it comes to the program but I don't subscribe to that mentality. I just haven't had the initiative to give up garbage food just yet (and use the typically excuses such as time) and I know that would fix some of the slow moving numbers. As I said a few days ago, the BBB is on its way so hopefully that extra protein will help some, too!

As always, if you have any questions feel free to message me or check out my website. Also, feel free to keep up to date on my progress on my super duper professional and beautiful google spreadsheet here!

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