Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day... 84

Today is the end of my workout week and I'm pretty happy with myself! In the last 5 days, I have been to the gym 3 times, climbing 4 times, and running once (I wish that number was higher, but I'll take what I can get! :)) I'm still making excuses for not getting out running (time, bugs, heat) but I really hope that changes soon - I know, it's all up to me! I also earned more than $100 from Isagenix! It's been a pretty good week!

I don't have any measurements for you guys today but less than a week to go and it's day 90! Holy smokes, I can't believe it's almost been 3 months!! I can feel my tummy shrinking and my muscles growing!!!

I am so excited for my 2-day cleanse again this week. I always feel ready and as though I need one! I've been breathing in a lot of chalk from so much climbing so I'm ready to get my throat and lungs back on track! Not to mention how AWESOME I am going to feel on Sunday! Love, love, love them!

AND I'm going to be trying out the Bedtime Belly Buster for August and see what that does for me! :) I'm very excited about it and even more excited that Isagenix is paying for it (all I did was sign up 2 people!!!)

Bedtime Belly Buster is made up of IsaPro, IsaFruits, and the sleep spray. Keep posted to see how that goes! :) I am expecting it in my shipment next week!
If you want to know more about it including the specific recipe, just message or email me! 

I'll be checking in again on Sunday if not sooner and then Wednesday with my newest measurements!

As always, if you have any questions feel free to message me or check out my website. Also, feel free to keep up to date on my progress on my super duper professional and beautiful google spreadsheet here!

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