Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Today is number NINE - ZERO!

The IsaBody Challenge period is over in one more month and I still have so much more to do!
I still don't feel great about my body, but I know it is a work in progress inside and out, physically and mentally! 

The numbers and pictures are only teensy tinesy parts of the big ol' puzzle and it's important to remember that. :) 

Some days I definitely feel better than others and the last few have not been in the better category. I need to start focusing on my muscle growth too! :) I feel pretty stellar about that when I realize that my smushies aren't all that smushy any more! Luckily, it hasn't started affecting my inches just yet (that I can tell) but I imagine it will soon. But as I've said, focus on big picture, little parts. My chicken legs aren't going to stay chicken and my tummy is going to continue shrinking! :)

This last month is a trial for some new things and I'm pretty excited about it. I got the Whey Thins in yesterday, pretty yummy and extra flavourful! I got the Sour Cream and Chive as I'm not a BBQ fan (unless it's ACTUALLY BBQ). 

I also got the components of Bedtime Belly Blaster/Buster (or any synonym that starts with B! :)) yesterday and had my first serving of it last night. The taste was interesting but definitely tolerable and I like the Sleep Spray. I've never taken a melatonin product before and I sleep pretty well normally so I don't know where I stand on it. The ingredients aren't scary in the least (melatonin, valerian, chamomile, etc.) so we'll see what happens. I woke up pretty refreshed and sleep past alarm due to habit! Excited to see where the BBB takes me!

I think that's all for today, folks! Keep posted for additional updates, especially regarding BBB!

Total inches released to date: 53.75

As always, if you have any questions feel free to message me or check out my website. Also, feel free to keep up today on my progress with my Google spreadsheet here! :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 87, Post Cleanse - Actually day 89 :)

Sorry I never got around to posting this on Sunday. We wound up traveling and without internet for a bit but here is what I had typed up! :)

I just finished yet another 2-day cleanse and unfortunately this one is the most disappointing to date. :(
I figure that as you progress through the system, the slower the changes occur. The reason for this is simply that if you have less to lose, your body isn't going to let go of it quite as quickly (by my logic, anyway).
If nothing else, I have to come up with explanations to prevent me from getting disappointed and discouraged as I'm sure we are all aware of what that does to our progress! EAT ALL THE YUMMY!!!

I've also been what some would call "cheaty" when it comes to the program but I don't subscribe to that mentality. I just haven't had the initiative to give up garbage food just yet (and use the typically excuses such as time) and I know that would fix some of the slow moving numbers. As I said a few days ago, the BBB is on its way so hopefully that extra protein will help some, too!

As always, if you have any questions feel free to message me or check out my website. Also, feel free to keep up to date on my progress on my super duper professional and beautiful google spreadsheet here!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day... 84

Today is the end of my workout week and I'm pretty happy with myself! In the last 5 days, I have been to the gym 3 times, climbing 4 times, and running once (I wish that number was higher, but I'll take what I can get! :)) I'm still making excuses for not getting out running (time, bugs, heat) but I really hope that changes soon - I know, it's all up to me! I also earned more than $100 from Isagenix! It's been a pretty good week!

I don't have any measurements for you guys today but less than a week to go and it's day 90! Holy smokes, I can't believe it's almost been 3 months!! I can feel my tummy shrinking and my muscles growing!!!

I am so excited for my 2-day cleanse again this week. I always feel ready and as though I need one! I've been breathing in a lot of chalk from so much climbing so I'm ready to get my throat and lungs back on track! Not to mention how AWESOME I am going to feel on Sunday! Love, love, love them!

AND I'm going to be trying out the Bedtime Belly Buster for August and see what that does for me! :) I'm very excited about it and even more excited that Isagenix is paying for it (all I did was sign up 2 people!!!)

Bedtime Belly Buster is made up of IsaPro, IsaFruits, and the sleep spray. Keep posted to see how that goes! :) I am expecting it in my shipment next week!
If you want to know more about it including the specific recipe, just message or email me! 

I'll be checking in again on Sunday if not sooner and then Wednesday with my newest measurements!

As always, if you have any questions feel free to message me or check out my website. Also, feel free to keep up to date on my progress on my super duper professional and beautiful google spreadsheet here!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 78, Post 2-Day Cleanse (with measurements!)

This run through my 2-day was the most difficult yet but I think that it's because I was at home, lazing on the couch, and wasn't keeping busy at all... I also made my CFL into popsicles for the day as our place gets sooooo unbearably warm. Not too bad and refreshing but I think that I'll be trying out the liquid in August, the powder winds up collecting in the bottom and makes for a very, very strong bite!

You notice hunger and fatigue more when you're not busy and those are bound to happen on a cleanse day especially if you avoid the IsaSnacks!. 

My first month of cleanses were done single day only and with actively taking the IsaSnacks! (chocolate) and I decided to try out the IsaDelights for my second and third months' 2-day cleanses

Best decision ever! I don't know which was better, deciding to get the IsaDelights or deciding to try out the 2-day cleansing. As hard as yesterday and the day before were, I feel SO amazing today! :) 

The way I feel now makes it all worth it and the 7 additional inches certainly helps! :)

I recommend the 30-day system as it has it all, I've edited it as I don't use all of the Snacks!. Everything you need is included in the pak! It even comes with a guidebook! 

Total inches released to date: 48!!!!

To follow my progress, you can check out my not-so-pretty google spreadsheet here. To order product or see what Isagenix is all about, you can go here or send me a quick message! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014



And I'm not even upset as anticipated! :) Not too much has changed since my cleanse days and that just reiterates how amazing and necessary they are to this transformation (I start another one tomorrow!). No bounce back, continued loss, etc. In this 75 days, I am down a total of 40.25 inches and 11 pounds!!! Every inch, quarter inch, doesn't matter - it's progress! I am even happier to note that my already super skinny parts aren't shrinking! My neck, calves, arms aren't getting smaller and I believe that speaks even more to this system!

When I first started, I was a bit concerned that it would take people past the point of healthy and into super skinny - or lose weight waaaay too quickly. From my own experience (slow and steady progress only in the necessary areas) and testimonials I have seen, my fears have been assuaged (new word, I like it!). Not to mention, the muscle growth that has been occurring - definition never before seen! --- I have to start taking pictures of that! :) --- keep posted for those, I'm going to start! :)

These results have happened without being super strict on what I eat (as mentioned yesterday: chips, candy, beef jerky, the list goes on). I do imagine that my diet will get better with being back home for a little bit - being busy really messes with that and I have yet to develop a perfect system. I love seeing results without following the program to a T, but can only imagine where I'd be if I was!

Cleaning up the kitchen and fridge today so that I can decide what we need for groceries and get better food in our cupboards!!!

To follow my progress, you can check out my not-so-pretty google spreadsheet here. To order product or see what Isagenix is all about, you can go here or send me a quick message! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Day... 74! Measurements tomorrow!

Hi, all! 

Just felt like checking in this evening as I had a "YAY! Super positive, am seeing changes!" moment this afternoon! I fit into a shirt that I was given last year that was WAAAY too small for me to wear without something over it! I even took a *GASP* mirror selfie! (I don't do that, BTW!) I can still see all my bumps and lumps through it, but it fit and I was comfortable enough to wear it out in public!

Another revelation happened last night! I was moisturizing my new tattoo (YAY, love it!!!) and noticed MORE muscle definition in my calves! Even when I played full-time sports in high school, I never had any sort of muscle mass. I am almost more excited about the additional muscle growth that I have never seen before than the weight and inches lost! I know that it is going to have an effect on my overall inches released so am going to be redirecting my attention to the inches that I am hoping to lose (abdomen, waist, rib cage) rather than focus too terribly on the overall numbers. 

Tomorrow is measurement day and I am actually kind of dreading it (but I will be posting an update)! I know that I've had another off the rails weekend and I'm not excited to see how it has affected my inches! That being said, I am super looking forward to my cleanse days this week and reversing the damage done.

I don't believe in the guilty feeling that so many people feel when they "cheat" or "go off the rails" as it's done and the only thing to be done is move forward. With that said, it is so much easier to get back on track since I have started with Isagenix! I actually have the desire to get to the gym/wall/track/whatever it may be and I haven't felt that way in years, if ever! The only issue I'm having is getting my workout partners on board as well. With taking up running, I am glad that I only have myself to rely on and can do it literally anywhere! 

I am constantly learning ways to make traveling/visiting/experiencing work with the Isagenix system. I'm not going to lie, traveling makes it HARD to keep on track. I have all of these habits that I've developed for road trips and almost all of them include complete garbage food! The shakes do make eating on the road convenient but it isn't the same as sharing that bag of chips, candy, and beef jerky with the driver! 

I'm making changes one step at a time while looking AND feeling good!!

If you want more information about Isagenix, please go to my site here or send me a message!! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 69 A.K.A. I decided to document my journey: Post 1

Well, tonight is the end of my sixty-ninth day on Isagenix. 

I decided to take the leap after being heckled (kinda, but not really) by my glorious stepsister! I started with the 30-day cleanse, scheduling one cleanse day per week. 

By the end of this 30 days, I had released 21.5 inches and 6 lbs. Not as impressive as what I've seen some lose on the IsaTestimonials Facebook page, but I was still pretty happy with it. I'm not going to lie, I didn't feel super different and didn't notice any real changes until I compared photos side by side. I decided I would continue on with another 30-day for the month of June. 

By day 60, I was down 33 total inches and 10 total lbs. Throughout June, I decided to try doing the 2-day cleanses and did 2 of them (every other week). I LOVED them! They are my new favourite part of the system. I notice the biggest difference the day after completing them and feel so amazing! 

To June's 30-day, I added the IsaDelight Plus chocolates (in milk, obvs!) and oh-my-goodness, did they change the cleanse experience (and you get them cheaper if you add them onto the 30-day system!)! 

For July, I decided to try out another kind of IsaLean Bar (the first 30-day came with samples of Oatmeal Raisin and Chocolate Decadence), the Lemon Passion Crunch bars. YUM! 
AND I've added another set of cleanse days (3 total per month, as recommended)! I shall keep updated as to how the month goes! The cleanses just keep getting better and better for me! The last one I did, I released a total of 10 inches over the two days! Like I said, my FAVOURITE!
I have normally been just using the Cleanse of Life powder (it's portable and cheaper), but decided to try out the 2 oz shots of it for my work schedule! They're funky tasting but super duper convenient. Haven't decided whether they are worth the extra couple bucks or not, though. We'll see how the career change goes.

The weight and size change is great, but I love having the desire to be at the gym and working out! I've started rock-climbing (LOVE IT!), we try to get to the gym three times a week if possible (sometimes it's easier than others), and I've decided to take up running this week, via the Couch to 5K app. This is something new that I have not experienced before! :) 

If you are interested in trying out any of the products or a full cleanse, please check out my website here or get a hold of me here with any questions! If you want to track my progress with me, feel free to check-in here!